Free IEP Reviews

The Arc of New Jersey Family Institute Presents: Free IEP Reviews with the Attorneys of Hinkle, Prior, & Fischer
Are You Looking For Professional Guidance With Your Child's IEP?
Navigating through the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) process can seem overwhelming, but that's where The Arc of New Jersey is here to help. We have partnered with Hinkle, Prior & Fischer to offer free IEP reviews for families who have questions or concerns about their child's IEP.
Space is limited, and registration is REQUIRED to attend. Each event will begin with an overview of parents' rights from 6-6:30pm. Each family will receive an individual 20-minute review with an attorney. Contact Kristina Tosti at (609) 896-4200 to reserve your time slot.
Start time: 6 pm
Dates: February 28th, March 14th, April 19th