Classroom Student Contest
2017 Theme: Developmental Disabilities Awareness: It Matters to Me
Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month is a perfect opportunity to educate students about the spectrum of abilities. For example, some disabilities are visible (a person who uses a wheelchair or crutches to walk), while other disabilities may not be easily recognized or seen by the eye (cognitive impairments that affect the way a person speaks, learns, or interacts with others).
Each year, The Arc of New Jersey hosts a Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month outreach event at The Statehouse in Trenton. The theme of this year’s event and design contest is “Developmental Disabilities Awareness: It Matters to Me”. Students in grades 3 - 12 are invited to design a bulletin board and/or video that incorporates the theme of this year’s campaign and illustrates the students’ acceptance of all people.
Contest Template Materials
Feel free to download and use any of the below materials in the design of your bulletin board.