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Social Skills by County

Social Interaction is a critical aspect of our daily lives. It offers many benefits, including improved mental health, an opportunity to enhance learning opportunities and increased physical well-being. One of the best ways to teach social skills is through modeling: Demonstrate the skills, role-play the different skills, and allow people the opportunity to be on both sides of all scenarios. Individuals with IDD often struggle to find a good class or program to help them gain the confidence they need to make friends, find a job or advocate for themselves in situations where it's needed. Some examples of social skills for adults with developmental disabilities include:

  • Greeting people.
  • Initiating conversation.
  • Understanding the listener.
  • Empathizing.
  • Reading social cues.
  • Previewing or thinking before speaking.
  • Problem-solving.
  • Apologizing.

We created this page to help individuals with IDD and their families navigate the system of care when looking for a social skills class or program.


Atlantic County

Bergen County

Burlington County

Camden County

Cape May County

Essex County

Gloucester County

Hudson County

Hunterdon County

Mercer County

Middlesex County

Monmouth County

Morris County

Ocean County

Passaic County

Salem County

Somerset County

Sussex County

Union County

Warren County

Online Social Skills Classes

Statewide Social Skills Opportunities

The Arc of New Jersey Family Institute

M-F, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm