What You Need to Know When it Comes to Transportation for Individuals with IDD
People with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) must have access to both public and private transportation to lead full, self-directed lives.
Position Statements from The Arc of The US
People with IDD lack sufficient access to reliable, accessible, and safe modes of public and private transportation. Every mode of transportation, including air, water, road, rail, and even pedestrian transportation, presents barriers for individuals with IDD. These barriers prevent people with IDD from meaningful participation in everyday activities that promote high quality community living experiences. In the U.S., millions of individuals with disabilities use public transit to maintain their autonomy and participate fully in society. For many, it is their only transit option. However, even where accessible public transportation exists, adults with IDD consider transportation options inadequate.
Transportation industries, agencies, service providers, and advocacy organizations must ensure that:
- Transportation at comparable cost and service models is available to individuals of all abilities.
- When making decisions, planning, and testing transportation options and payment methods, individuals with IDD are involved in the process.
- Improved coordination maximizes existing transportation services.
- Public transportation is adequately funded, fully financially and physically accessible, reliable to meet people’s needs, and equipped to suit the physical, sensory, and cognitive needs of all people.
- As technological innovations emerge (such as virtual wayfinding, autonomous vehicles, and digital ticketing), transportation modalities are designed to be accessible, usable, and reliable, including such things as language access, visual cues, safety considerations, and audio and hands-free options to meet individuals’ needs and preferences.
- Technological platforms that relay information from users with IDD to transportation providers utilize inclusive research design to ensure accessibility and ease of use.
- Travel training is available for users covering all modes of travel, prioritizing peer-to-peer training where possible.
- Appropriate disability awareness training is available for service and transportation providers.
- As smart city initiatives advance, they are developed for users of all abilities and needs. Data collection and migration tools include users with IDD in the design, to ensure inclusive smart cities.
- The unique challenges and lack of options within suburban and rural areas are addressed.
- Technology and service providers protect a user’s privacy by ensuring data such as contacts, camera, photos and files, health and disability status, and locations visited is not shared, or used for commercial or tracking purposes, without permission of the individual. For any information to be accessed or shared, customers must opt-in, versus opting-out, and have clear explanations of with whom and what will be shared.
- In light of data management, people with IDD must have the opportunity to receive training on self-directed data management and use.
- At the same time, transportation navigation software allows an individual to share appropriate information with a third party, to enhance efficiency and safety – for example, confirming arrival and indicating off-route warnings, as directed by users.
- Innovative vehicles and transportation options do not create additional barriers, based on where vehicles are parked, stored, and operated.
- People with IDD have the option of owning, modifying, and operating vehicles and other transportation options of their choice at affordable costs.
- All vehicles, public and privately owned, meet applicable federal, state, and local safety requirements.
- Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) are fully accessible and universally designed to take into account all individuals’ abilities and disabilities to safely access and operate. Regulation of AVs must consider the needs of people with IDD, and avoid unnecessary licensing requirements that would restrict or eliminate access.

Transportation Through The Division of Developmental Disabilities
This service is offered to enable individuals to gain access to services, activities and resources. This service is offered in addition to medical transportation services.
Transportation Options
Transportation services can be provided by Medicaid/DDD approved transportation providers, generic transportation services/vendors used by the general public, and self directed employees.
Multiple Passenger Rate- $0.74 per passenger when provider is transporting more than one individual.
The need for transportation will be identified through the NJ CAT and the Person Centered Planning Tool (PCPT).
Reimbursement for transportation is limited to distances not to exceed 150 miles one way and cannot be used for services where transportation is built into the rate.
For more information about utilizing transportation through DDD talk to your Support Coordinator.

Travel Training program at Rutgers
What is the NJ Travel Independence Program @ Rutgers (NJTIP)?
The mission of the New Jersey Travel Independence Program @ Rutgers (NJTIP) is to increase the independence and self-sufficiency of people with disabilities, older adults, and others by empowering them to use the public transit system safely and independently.
For more information visit:
- https://vtc.rutgers.edu/njtip/
- Phone: 848-932-4499
- Email: njtip_info@njtip.rutgers.edu

Access Link ADA Paratransit
What is ADA Paratransit?
NJ TRANSIT's ADA paratransit program known as Access Link was established to provide public transportation to people with disabilities who are unable to use the local bus service according to the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). You may ride with Access Link or any other NJ TRANSIT mode for some or all of your transportation needs.
Telephone interviews are now being scheduled for those who want to be considered for full paratransit eligibility.
If you want to apply for services call 973-491-4224 and select option #1 to request a date to participate in a telephone interview. You will then be scheduled to speak with a representative from our statewide network of Assessment Agencies.
During your telephone interview, you will be asked about your disability or disabilities and the impact on your ability to use NJ TRANSIT’s local fixed-route system to travel. You will have the opportunity to provide examples of how and when you are prevented from using NJ TRANSIT’s fixed-route system to travel to or from your intended destinations. You will also need to provide medical verification of your disability or disabilities.
For more information about Access Link or the accessible services available on the Bus, Train and Light Rail you are encouraged to review the information provided under ACCESSIBILITY at www.njtransit.com.

Reduced Fare Program
If you're a senior or a person with a disability, you can enjoy greater traveling freedom and lower fares! When you ride with NJ TRANSIT's Reduced Fare Program, you can save 50% or more on a regular one-way fare.
Who Can Use The Program?
Special rates are available for seniors 62 years of age* or older and people with disabilities. Personal assistants ride for free when proper identification is presented by the person with a disability. And you don't need to be a New Jersey resident to be eligible for the program.
Click here for a printable version of an application in PDF format, then fill out and return the completed form including proof of age and recent photo to:
Printable Version of Application
Reduced Fare Program
One Penn Plaza East, 5th Floor
Newark, NJ 07105
People with Disabilities
Click here for a printable version of an application in PDF format (please view all pages 2-4 of the document), then have the application completed and returned to NJ TRANSIT by a physician or certifying agency, mailed to:
Printable Version of Application
Reduced Fare Program
One Penn Plaza East, 5th Floor
Newark, NJ 07105
You may also fill out an application at most local banks, savings and loan associations, or county Offices on Aging. You must present a Social Security Card and proof of age (a birth certificate or a driver's license.) NJ TRANSIT Reduced Fare Card/Reduced Fare ID applications are also available at the NJ TRANSIT Customer Service offices at Newark Penn Station, New York Penn Station, Hoboken Terminal, and the Port Authority Bus Terminal. Or, you may obtain the application by writing or calling the NJ TRANSIT Reduced Fare Office.

Community Transportation by County
Each of the 21 counties in New Jersey provides a paratransit service for older residents and people with disabilities. For more information on local paratransit services, including hours of operation, reservation procedures and any fees visit:
- Atlantic County Transportation (609) 645-5910 www.aclink.org
- Bergen County Transportation(201) 368-5955 www.co.bergen.nj.us
- Camden and Burlington Sen-Han Transit(856) 456-3344 - Camden
- (877) 603-5111 - Burlington www.scucs.org
- Burlington BURLINK (609) 883-8891 www.co.burlington.nj.us
- Cape May Fare Free Transportation (609) 889-3700 www.capemaycountynj.gov
- Cumberland Area Transit System CATS (856) 691-7799 www.co.cumberland.nj.us
- Essex County Office On Aging (973) 395-5858 OR
- (973) 395-8418 www.essex-countynj.org
- Gloucester County Division of Transportation (856) 686-8355 www.co.gloucester.nj.us
- Hudson County TRANSCEND(201) 369-4320 (ext 4107) www.hudsoncountynj.org
- Hunterdon County, The Link (800) 842-0531 www.co.hunterdon.nj.us
- Mercer T.R.A.D.E (609) 530-1971 www.mercercounty.org
- Middlesex County Transportation, MCAT(800) 221-3520 www.co.middlesex.nj.us
- Monmouth County SCAT(732) 431-6480 www.co.monmouth.nj.us
- Morris County MAPS & Dial-a-Ride(973) 829-8103 https://www.morriscountynj.gov/Residents/Transportation
- Ocean County Ocean Ride(877) 929-2082 OR
- (732) 736-8989 www.co.ocean.nj.us
- Passaic County Paratransit (973) 305-5756 www.passaiccountynj.org
- Salem County Transportation (856) 339-8644 www.salemcountynj.gov
- Somerset County Transportation(908) 231-7116
- (800) 246-0527 www.co.somerset.nj.us
- Sussex County Transportation Skylands Ride (973) 579-0480 www.sussex.nj.us
- Union County Transportation (908) 241-8300 www.ucnj.org
- Warren County Transportation WCT908) 454-4044 OR Toll Free
- 1-866-594-4044 www.co.warren.nj.us

Transportation Management Associations
Transportation Management Associations (TMAs) are non-profit, public/private partnerships that have been established to form partnerships with businesses and local government to provide commuter information and services. They are organized groups applying carefully selected approaches to facilitating the movement of people and goods within an area. TMAs also provide traffic demand management assistance to employers through the new Employer Services Program.
There are eight TMAs in New Jersey. They are Cross County Connection, Greater Mercer TMA, Hudson TMA, goHunterdon, Keep Middlesex Moving TMA, EZ Ride , Ridewise TMA and Avenues in Motion.
For more information visit: https://www.nj.gov/transportation/commuter/rideshare/tma.shtm
- Cross County Connection
- Greater mercer TMA
- goHunterdon
- Keep Middlesex Moving
- ezride
- RideWise
- Avenues in Motion
- Hudson TMA

Driver Rehabilitation Specialists
Drivers with special medical considerations may benefit from the help and advice of a Certified Driver Rehabilitation Specialist (CDRS).These specialists provide numerous services:
- Evaluation of a driver's capabilities in physical and cognitive terms.
- Special training and vehicle outfitting with adaptive equipment for drivers with medical conditions and disabilities.
- Rehabilitation services for individuals with an illness or injury that has impaired their driving.
Please contact the program for pricing information.
As a courtesy, Motor Vehicle Commission maintains the following list of licensed driver rehabilitation specialists:
JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Center
Hackensack Meridian Health @ JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Center
65 James Street
P.O. Box 3059
Edison, NJ 08818-3059
Contact: Veronique Frey, MS OTR/L, CDRS
Email: Veronique.Frey@hmhn.org or
Brigitte A. Muehlbauer, MS OTR/L, CDRS
Email: Brigitte.Muehlbauer@hmhn.org
Phone: (732) 321-7056 ex.1 Fax: (732) 744-5804
Shore Rehabilitation Institute
Hackensack Meridian Health @ Shore Rehabilitation Institute
425 Jack Martin Blvd.
Brick, NJ 08724
Contact: Jennifer Biro, OTR, CDRS
Email: Jennifer.Biro@hmhn.org
Phone: (732) 836-4500 Fax (732) 836-4532
Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation
1199 Pleasant Valley Way
West Orange, NJ 07052
Contact: Rich Nead, CDRS
Email: RNead@Kessler-Rehab.com or
Sandra Kewcharoen, OTR/L,DRS
Email: Skewcharoen@kessler-rehab.com
Phone: (973) 731-3900 x2322 Fax: (973) 243-6842
Lawrence Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center (Lawrence Operator, LLC)
2381 Lawrenceville Road
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
Contact: Carrie Monagle, OTR, CDRS
Email: cmonagle@lawrencerehabhospital.com or
Jesse Hunter, OTR, CDRS
Email: jhunter@lawrencerehabhospital.com
Phone: (609) 896-9500 ex.8378 Fax: (609) 896-0698
Other Resources
Contact the Medical Review Unit
Window Sun Screening for Medical Reasons
Law Enforcement and Physicians/Emergency Room Reporting

The Association for Driver Rehabilitation Specialists
ADED is the world’s largest provider of driver rehabilitation education and is globally recognized as the standard-bearer for driver rehabilitation best practices and professional ethics.

Amtrak Accessible Travel Services
Amtrak's goal is to provide safe, efficient and comfortable service to all of our passengers. Amtrak provides additional services to passengers with disabilities, and have worked to make their facilities more accessible to customers with disabilities.
- Making Reservations for Passengers with a Disability
- Station Accessibility
- Traveling with a Companion
- Wheeled Mobility Device Specifications and Services
- Use of Oxygen Equipment
- Service Animals
- Meal Service for People with Disabilities
- Thruway Bus Service and Accessibility
- Accessible Travel Requests

Medical Transportation
LogistiCare is now Modivcare
ModivCare is the transportation vendor for people enrolled in Medicaid or NJ FamilyCare. Members may call them at 1-866-527-9933 (TTY 1-866-288-3133) to set up a transportation appointment. You can also make your reservation online at modivcare.com Modivcare opens a dialog window Call by noon at least 2 days before you need the ride.
If you are a homebound member and you need special services or transportation for your medical care, call your Horizon NJ Health Care Manager toll free at 1-800-682-9094 (TTY 711) and we can help arrange a ride. Remember – do not call an ambulance for routine transportation needs.
Don’t forget to schedule your return ride home; but if you did not schedule a ride, you can do so once your appointment is over. You or your doctor’s office can call the "Ride Assist" phone number at 1-866-527-9934 (TTY 1-866-288-3133) and ask someone to pick you up. The transportation provider should pick you up within 60 minutes from time you call them.
To report any problems with your transportation, call the ModivCare complaint hotline at 1-866-333-1735 (TTY 711).

Ride United's Transportation Access Program
Ride United's Transportation Access Program offers free or discounted rides for things like:
- Medical (non-emergency medical appointments return from ER)
- Services at Veterans Affairs
- Substance use treatments/discharge
- Dental/vision appointments, etc
- Employment (job interviews, commute to and from work, fingerprinting, pre-employment paperwork, etc.)
- Food Access (commute to and from pantry/distribution sites, application for SNAP/WIC benefits, etc.)
- Financial (commute to and from financial coaching/ empowerment services, tax preparation services, application for Medicaid/CHIP benefits, application for housing benefits, etc.)
- Education (commute to and from classes, trainings, parent/guardian engagements, etc.)
For more information visit: https://nj211.org/sites/default/files/documents/2021-05/ride-united-transportation-access-program-2021.pdf