National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month is an opportunity to promote respect for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and to educate others on the spectrum of abilities people with I/DD possess. For example, some disabilities are visible (a person who uses a wheelchair or crutches to ambulate), while other disabilities may not be easily recognized or seen by the eye (cognitive challenges that affect the way a person speaks, learns, or interacts with others).
Developmental Disability Awareness Family Ambassador Kit
As an Ambassador you will carry on the tradition of families working together to improve the quality of life for all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). In your role, you will help raise awareness about the contributions people with I/DD make to society every day.
Social Media Tool
In celebration of Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, The New Jersey Self-Advocacy Project encourages you to educate others and spread awareness online! Be sure to tag @TheArcofNJ and include #DDAwarenessMonth and this year's theme, #OurTimeToShine.